All new Creature 7 Deadly Sins, Independent trucks, and more!!

In All New Arrivals, Skate by surf zone

We just got in some great new decks from Creature, including three of the seven deadly sins from the all new 7 deadly sins series, which feature artwork from the legendary poster artist, Frank Kozik! There’s also a few t-shirts, and a trucker hat to keep all you fiends out there happy! In addition to those great new Creature decks, we also got in a fresh restock on the best trucks in the world, Independent, and there’s also a really rad shirt with artwork done by none other than Pontus Alv, which is a tribute to the awesomeness of no complies! If you like black trucks in size 149, we’ve got the Steve Olson signature edition, And there’s an Independent trucker hat, as well. How perfect is that? A trucker hat from a truck company! There’s also some Slime Ball wheels, OJII Duane Peters wheels, a new color up in the Mountain Brigadier, and a restock on the Santa Cruz Slasher and Jason Jessee Guadelope! Check it out and get Over to Surf Zone! We’re open every day!
